If you are a student interested in attending ISWC 2023, you may be eligible to apply for travel grants to support the costs of travel and lodging. This year, travel grants are funded by the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA).
Applying for a Student Travel Award
The deadline for applying for an ISWC 2023 travel award is September 7th, 2023. Please make sure that you have submitted your application and that your supervisor has sent us a confirmation email by this date.
To apply for a grant please follow these steps:
- Make sure that you are eligible to apply for an ISWC 2023 travel award: You must currently be a student at a higher education institution; and have an ISWC 2023 submission that has been accepted to either the main conference, the doctoral consortium, an ISWC 2023 workshop, the poster/demo session, or the Semantic Web challenge (you may have submissions to more than one of these categories). If there are additional funds available, we will also consider supporting students who do not have papers at the conference.
- Fill out and submit the ISWC 2023 Student Travel Award Application Form.
- Ask your supervisor to email the student grants chairs (Cogan Shimizu or Eleni Tsalapati), confirming that you are a current student under their supervision and that you will be attending ISWC 2023. The subject of the email should be “ISWC 2023 Student Travel Award Application Verification for {YOUR NAME}”. The text should read “I confirm that {YOUR NAME} is a student that is currently under my supervision at {INSTITUTION NAME} and that they will be attending ISWC 2023 to present work that they completed under my supervision. {SUPERVISOR NAME}”
- Register for ISWC 2023 here.
You will receive a notification by September 30th, 2023.
Award Details
The exact amount awarded to each student will depend on the needs stated in the application and the kind of submission that they have in ISWC 2023. Preference will be given to students that are the first authors on papers accepted to the main conference or the doctoral consortium, followed by those who are the first authors on papers accepted to ISWC workshops and the Poster & Demo session. If there are additional funds available, we will also consider supporting students who do not have papers at the conference.
This year, we will consider supporting travel companions for attendees with special needs and aim to support a diverse group of students (e.g., gender, nationality, ethnicity, type of institution, and geographic location). If you have any questions or would like to discuss your specific requirements please do not hesitate to contact the student grants chairs (Cogan Shimizu or Eleni Tsalapati).
Student Travel Award Sponsors

Student Grant Chairs
Cogan Shimizu
Wright State University, Ohio, USA
contact: cogan.shimizu@wright.edu
Eleni Tsalapati
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
contact: etsalapati@gmail.com